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Hey — You May Have Unclaimed Money/Property Waiting for You. Read This!

Are you looking for spare change hidden beneath your sofa cushions? You're not alone. High inflationary times have been tough on most folks out there. The cost of food, especially, is hard to ke...

Did You Claim Unemployment in Nevada? You Could Be Entitled to Compensation

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States saw record unemployment rates. With most states besides South Dakota still seeing unemployment rates higher than they'd seen since the last re...

North Carolina's Unclaimed $1.3 Billion: How to Claim Your Share

North Carolina residents and individuals with ties to the state might have a pleasant surprise waiting for them. The state has nearly $1.3 billion in unclaimed money. This article outlines what unclaimed prop...

How to Prevent Your Assets from Becoming "Unclaimed" in a Few Easy Steps

Today we'll be focusing on how to prevent assets from becoming unclaimed. Remember, even if an asset is reclaimed, only its initial amount can be taken back. When it comes to unclaimed as...

Have You Been an AirBnB Host? This Class-Action Suit Could Be a Windfall!

If you've hosted for AirBnB, you know how tenuous the process can be. You need to keep track of who is coming and going, screen potential guests, prepare housing for them, ensure payment comes...

Unclaimed Gift Card Balances: Long Island Residents Missing Out on Millions

Did you know that Long Island residents are owed more than $11 million in unclaimed gift card balances? In a recent investigation conducted by Newsday, it was revealed that a significant amount...

Top Trending Ways to Make a Claim on Unclaimed Assets Free of Charge

There's one major factor that holds back many people from claiming assets that are rightfully theirs: the fear that they will be denied the claim or be charged significantly for it. If you asked the av...

How to Tell Whether an Unclaimed Asset Site is Legitimate or Not

The unclaimed asset industry is a huge industry with tens of billions of dollars up for grabs. Naturally, this attracts scammers. Among them, there are two main types. The first steals your information. T...

Law on Call? Why This May be the Next Evolution of Legal Aide

One of the most common complaints amongst the public is that it can be quite difficult to obtain the services of both a good and affordable attorney. This has led to debates on how the justice system unfairly...